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food addiction; beat through modification

food addiction

(How to beat food addiction)

There are many incidents in the lives of some people in which food is taken as support for emotional comfort and gradually converts into addiction. These incidents act as triggers for addiction.

Example; – An argument with spouse,

               – Social gathering for fun,

               – Broken relationships,

               – Financial issues such as loan and depth.

Many people are unaware that they have become victims of addiction. By the time awareness comes but it is too late. Food addiction has to be taken quite seriously because it is look like any other addiction can be dangerous and deadly. If you are all reading this article it is not too late to change. Here, I will share with you some strategies to overcome and get diseases free health.

 It is a term used to describe a compulsive, unhealthy relationship with food that can lead to negative physical, emotional and social consequences. People who struggle with food addiction may find themselves constantly preoccupied with thoughts about food, experience intense cravings for certain foods and engage in binge eating or other disordered eating behaviors.

Causes of food addiction; –

Food addiction is a complex phenomenon that can have various causes. Here are some possible causes;

(1) Genetics; – Some studies show that there may be a genetic predisposition to food addiction. People with a family history of addiction may be more likely to develop food addiction.

(2) Psychological factors; – Food addiction may be related to certain psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. Food can be used as a copied mechanism to deal with these emotions leading to addiction.

(3) Environmental factors; – The availability and accessibility of high fat, high sugar and high calories food can promote overeating and addiction. Food marketing and advertising may also play a key role in promoting addictive eating behaviors.

                    Poor emotions + Intelligent marketing = Sick humans.

(4) Neurological factors; – Certain foods can activate the brain’s reward system leading to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Overtime the brain may become depended on this dopamine release leading to addiction.

(5) Behavioral factors; – Certain eating behaviors such as eating quickly, eating in response to emotions or eating despite feeling full can promote addictive eating patterns.

(6) Past trauma; – People who have experienced past trauma may use food as the way to cope with negative emotions and memories, leading to addiction.

It is important to note that it is a complex and multifaceted issue, and that each person may have a unique set of causes of their addiction.

Brain effects of food addiction; –

The effects on the brain are complex and involve multiple regions and pathways.

(1) One of the main regions of the brain involved in food addiction is the reward center which is located in the ventral striatum.

This reason is responsible for processing pleasurable stimuli such as food and releasing dopamine transmitters that create feelings of pleasure and reward.

Studies have shown that people with food addiction have increased activity in this area when exposed to food cues, which can lead to compulsive eating behavior.

(2) Another area, the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision making and impulse control.

People with addiction often have decreases activity in this region which can result in a reduced ability to resist cravings and make healthy food choices.

(3) The hypothalamus, or region of the brain that controls hunger and satiety, also affects by food addiction. Studies have shown that people with addiction affect appetite regulation, leading to increased hunger and decrease feeling of fullness.

(4) In addition to these regions, the brain stress response system also involves. Stress can trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase appetite and food cravings.

Overall, It can have significant effects on the brain.

It effects on the activity and function of multiple regions and pathways involved in reward, decision- making and appetite regulation. These changes can lead to compulsive overeating, weight gain and negative impacts on both physical and mental.


Treatment for food cravings; –

Treatment typically involves addressing the underlying psychological, behavioral factors and promote healthier eating habits that contribute to the addiction.

It can be a difficult condition to manage, as it involves compulsive behaviors and cravings related to food. However, there are various treatment options available that can help people manage it.

Here are some options; –

(1) CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy); – This therapy can help people identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors related to food. CBT can also help people learn coping skills to manage cravings and emotional triggers.

(2) Mindfulness based therapy; – Mindful meditation can help people become more aware of their thoughts and emotions related to food. This can help them develop a greater sense of control over their eating habits.

(3) Nutritional counselling; – A nutritionist can help to develop a healthy and balanced meal plan that meets their nutritional needs.

(4) Support groups; – Support groups such as overeaters anonymous can provide people with a sense of community.

They support as they work towards managing their addiction to food.

                              It’s important to note that treatment for food addictions should be planned to everyone’s specific needs and circumstances.

Dr Hetal


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