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Diseases Free Life for well-being

diseases free life

Diseases Free Life:

Whether we are looking at the prevention of a disease or already having one or an element and are looking at getting better from it, while there are medicines and we should listen to our doctors, there is a lot beyond medicines. In this article, let us discover how to lead a diseases free life by balancing the external & internal environment of our body. While food can be powerful tool for health. It should not replace medical treatment. To know more about “how to embrace our food as medicine” read this article,

The functionality of the human body depends on and revolves around Nutrition, Exercise, the quality of Sleep and emotional state of mind. We have an external environment which includes nature, sunlight, our circadian rhythms, etc. and we have our internal environment, which is the acids in our body, our blood pressure, inflammatory levels, including how strong and smart our immune system is. So, our external environment as well as our internal environment have to work together for prevention or for possible recovery from a disease that we may be suffering from.

Therefore, when we just look at it as a medicine it is only good for symptoms whereas when we look at addressing the root cause of the problem, it involves this external environment, how it affects our overall condition and our internal environment, as both interact with each other. Also the four pillars are affected which are nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotional wellness.

Let’s take a deep dive into each of these four pillars for diseases free life:

Food & Nutrition:

Food sustains the life of living beings. All living beings in the universe require food. Complexion, Clarity, Good voice, Longevity, Genius, Happiness, Satisfaction, Nourishment, Strength and Intellect are all conditioned by food. This is written in Charak Samhita about Food and Nutrition. The effective management of food intake and nutrition are both key to good health. Smart choices of food and nutrition can help prevent diseases. Good nutrition balances our internal environment such as body’s PH value (Alkaline/Acidic) and inflammatory level of gut, lungs, heart and brain.

A healthy and balanced diet includes a lot of natural food. Balanced diet prevents our body from Hypertension, high Blood sugar and hypo-hyperthyroidism and enhances general health. A balanced diet contains all essential elements that the human body needs such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber and water.


Physical activity can improve our body’s circadian rhythm, cognitive health, helps to manage weight, reduce risk of diseases, strengthen bones and muscle mass. Exercise like running, jumping, skipping, weightlifting can help to build muscle mass and reduce fat. This can help us to live a diseases free life. One thing to note here is that walking is an activity not an exercise. With the help of exercise, we can stay physically and mentally healthy and happy. By regularly doing exercise, we can improve the quality of sleep and reduce the feelings of anxiety and depression. Exercise should be done only one hour a day. The truth is, anything more than an hour of workout will lead to loss of muscle tissues and lowers metabolic rate.


Sound sleep is the most essential, integral, non-negotiable aspect for the balance of internal and external environment of the body and diseases free life. It is one thing that we must have if we want to live a diseases free life. Lack of sleep screws up our recovery from exercise and a well-balanced diet. Exercise works on the basic promise that we will recover from the damage caused to the body while working out. If there is no recovery, exposure to the injuries, hormonal imbalances such as Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Insulin resistance, digestion issues, mood swings, and even panic attacks.

Without good and sound sleep, we get zero results of the exercise. So, if we plan to exercise on a serious note, we will have to first learn to sleep well. And eating a right, well and balanced diet is good to start with as it creates the right environment in the body for restful sleep. One important point to note here is to allow the body to wake up naturally. It is a sign of a good sleep and excellent recovery. Irregular bedtime, watching TV, using Mobile phone before going to sleep can wreak havoc on our hormones.

A restorative and peaceful sleep is also necessary for the absorption of minerals like calcium and iron,
which runs low in case of hormonal imbalances or PCOS. A regular bedtime hour prepares the body to fall into deep sleep and brings a calming effect on the body and mind, leading to harmony of hormones. Late nights also mean a bloated body and sugar cravings the next morning. In conclusion, it should be noted that not only having 08 hours of sleep once in a while, but the regularity of the 08 hours of sleep is what actually matter.

Emotional Wellness:

This is also a very important pillar to diseases free life. How we feel about ourselves can affect our ability to carry out daily activities, our relationships and our overall mental health. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stress and adapt to the changes and difficult times. Emotional wellness is very important because emotional health allows us to work productively and cope with the stress during the hard times of life. It can help realize our full potential within us, work with all types of people. It also makes us physically healthy. Components of emotional well-being are an overall positive state of emotions, life satisfaction, balanced emotions, thoughts and social relationships.

6 hacks of emotional wellbeing:

  • For example, good relationships are beneficial for mental health,
  • Movement is medicine. Physical activities are great for both physical and mental health,
  • Learning new skills,
  • Make a diary for a to-do list and gratitude for your attitude,
  • Pay attention to the present moments. Stop overthinking about the past and future,
  • Meditation and Pranayama.

6 things to be done for emotional wellbeing:

  • For example, Tolerate confrontation,
  • Admit mistakes,
  • Be honest, kind and helpful,
  • Ask for support and help,
  • Add values to other People’s lives,
  • Live life on our own values.


The key point here is that positive emotional development influences self-confidence,
empathy, ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendships, relationships and partnerships and a sense of importance and value to people.

People with good emotional wellness are not always feeling content and happy, they also feel stress and frustration, but they can recognize these emotions. Emotionally stable people can work daily despite negative sentiments. It is essential to understand as well as manage our thoughts and handle the roller-coaster of the emotions to live a happier life.

I hope that this article has explained to you about the requirement of balancing the “External & Internal environment of the body” to lead a diseases free life and you find it informative and helpful. If you liked the article of “diseases free life”, leave your feedback and share it with your family and friends. so that they too can get benefits from it. Do stay tuned with us for more such interesting updates.

Dr Hetal


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