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Curry leaves: Nutrient facts and health benefits

curry leaves

Introduction to Curry leaves:

Curry leaves or sweet neem leaves known as Murraya koenigii, are a fundamental ingredient in an Indian cuisine. Beyond their culinary use, these leaves are useful for their numerous health benefits, particular in menopause phase in women and rich nutritional profile. To know more on menopause diet, then read this article,

Nutritional Composition:

Vitamins and minerals:  Such as, Rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E, providing essential nutrients for overall health.

Moreover, A significant source of iron, aiding in preventing anemia and boosting energy levels.

In addition, they Contain calcium, phosphorus and magnesium vital for bone health.

Antioxidants: They are abundant in antioxidants, helping combat free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

Phytochemicals:  Various phytochemicals like alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins contribute to their medicinal properties.

curry leaves

Health benefits of Curry Leaves:

Improve digestion: For example, they stimulate digestive enzymes, promoting healthy digestion and reducing gastrointestinal issues.

Diabetes management: They aid in controlling blood glucose levels due to their potential to regulate insulin activity.

Weight management: The leaves may assist in weight loss efforts by accelerating metabolism and promoting for breakdown.

Hair health: They strengthens hair roots, reducing hair fall and improve overall health.

Skin care: Such as, They contain antimicrobial properties and can help treat various skin conditions like acne and eczema.

Reduce cholesterol: Consumption of curry leaves can potentially lower bad cholesterol levels, supporting heart health.

Anti-inflammatory properties: These leaves have anti-inflammatory effects, aiding in managing inflammatory conditions.

Enhanced vision: For example, they are rich in vitamin A, these leaves support eye health and vision.

Cancer prevention: Some studies suggest potential anti-cancer properties due to their antioxidant content.

Usage in cuisine:

Curry leaves are very interesting ingredients in Indian cooking, adding a unique flavor and aroma to various dishes like curries, chutneys, and soups.

Using curry leaves in hair oil:

Hair oil infused with curry leaves is a popular traditional remedy in some cultures due to the believed benefits for hair health. The process typically involves infusing curry leaves into a carrier oil like coconut olive or almond oil.


Fresh Curry leaves (a handful) and carrier oil (for example, coconut olive or almond).


Wash the Curry leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities.

Allow the leaves to dry completely, ensuring there is no moisture left.

Infusion process:

Heat the chosen carrier oil in a pan over low heat.

Add the dried curry leaves to the oil.

Let the leaves infuse in the oil on low heat for about 15 to 20 minutes, allowing the oil to absorb the nutrients from the leaves.

Turn off the heat and let the oil cool down to room temperature.

Strain and storage:

Strain the oil to remove the curry leaves, leaving only the infused oil.

Store the infused oil in a clean and tight container for future use.


Apply this curry leaf- infused oil to your scalp and hair.

Gently massage your scalp in circular motion for a few minutes to promote better absorption.

Leave the oil on for the at least an hour, or overnight for a deep conditioning treatment.

Wash your hair with mild shampoo and lukewarm water.

Potential benefits of curry leaf-infused hair oil:

Hair growth and strength: Curry leaves believed to strengthen hair roots and promote hair growth.

Reduced hair fall: The nutrients in these leaves may help reduce hair fall and breakage.

Improved scalp health: For example, The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of curry leaves would help maintain a healthy scalp.

Prevention of premature graying: Some study shows that these leaves can help prevent premature growing of hair.


In summary, Curry leaves or sweet neem leaves are more than just culinary element, they have powerful nutrients and health benefits. Adding them into your diet can contribute significantly to your overall well-being.

Its essentials to consult with a doctor or dermatologist before using any natural remedy for hair care. To know more about nutrition, then read my latest book, the magical ways for sparkling lifestyle.

Dr Hetal


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