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wellbeing;Four (4) principles


Health and wellbeing are high priority in current health and social care provision. Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Similarly, Wellbeing is not just the absence of diseases or illness. It’s the complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Wellbeing is strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction. In short, wellbeing could be described as how you feel about yourself and your life.

fruits for well-being

Factors that influence wellbeing; –

 Every aspect of life including eating habits influences your state of wellbeing. Here in this article, we will learn about 4 principles to enhance your wellbeing.

(1) Never wake up to tea or coffee.

(2) Eat every 2 hours.

(3) Eat more when you are more active and less when you are less   active.

(4) Finish your last meal at least 2 hours prior to sleeping.

Principle 1; Never wake up to tea or coffee.

(1) After a night of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. If you immediately consumed tea or coffee, which are diuretics and can increase urination, it might further dehydrate you.

(2) Cortisol, a stress hormone, naturally increases in the morning to help wake you up and get your body ready for the day. Consuming tea or coffee can interfere with the natural cortisol levels and affect your energy levels later in the day.

(3) Regularly relying on tea or coffee as the only way to wake up can lead to dependency and tolerance. Your body may become addicted to caffeine and over a period of time, you may need larger amounts to achieve the same simulating effect. This can disrupt your sleep patterns and cause withdrawal symptoms if you don’t consume tea or coffee.

(4) Breakfast is an opportunity to nourish your body with a balanced meal that provides essential nutrients. If you always start your day with tea or coffee you may miss out on important nutrients.

Principle 2; Eat every 2 hours.

(1) Eating smaller, frequent meals throughout the day can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent spikes and crashes. It is important for insulin resistance.

(2) By having smaller, regular meals, you may feel satisfied throughout the day and less likely to overeat.

(3) Regularly fueling the body with smaller meals or snacks can help to maintain a steady supply of energy.

(4) Eating at a regular interval can help to prevent extreme hunger and overeating. By providing the body with consistent nutrition, you may be able to better manage your appetite and make healthier food choices.

(5) Frequent meals can ensure a steady intake of essential nutrients throughout the day.

Principle 3; Eat more when you are more active and less when you are less active.

(1) When you are more active your body requires additional energy to fuel your physical activity.

(2) By eating more when you are active, you can ensure that your body receives the necessary nutrients to support optimal performance and recovery.

(3) Listening to your body’s hunger pangs and eating can help to maintain a healthy relationship with food and prevent excessive hunger or undereating.

(4) Adjusting your food intake based on activity level can support weight management goals. 

Principle 4; Finish your last meal at least 2 hours prior to sleeping.

(1) When you eat a meal, your body needs time to digest and process the food. By allowing a couple of hours between your last meal and bedtime, you can give your body enough time to digest the food and enter a more relaxed state conducting to sleep.

(2) Lying down immediately after a meal can increase the risk of hyper acidity or indigestion. This is because the horizontal position can allow stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus, causing discomfort and disrupting sleep.

(3) Eating late at night can contribute to weight gain. This is because the body’s metabolic rate tends to be lower during sleep and excess calories consumed close to bedtime may be more likely to be stored as fat.

(4) Consuming meals or snacks close to bedtime can disrupt normal sleep patterns and contribute to sleep disorders.

 In summary, these practices allow for better digestion, good sleep quality and overall physical and mental wellbeing.

Dr Hetal


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