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Thyroid gland: Heal through Lifestyle adjustments

The shape of thyroid gland is a small butterfly, Endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s Apple.

Thyroid gland: Healing with Lifestyle modifications:

The shape of thyroid gland is a small butterfly, Endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s Apple. Thyroid gland plays an important role in regulating various bodily functions by producing, storing and releasing thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces two primary hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones contain iodine and are essential for regulating metabolism, growth and development in the body.

The production and release of thyroid hormones are related by hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamus produces thyroid thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland to secret thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Then TSH signals the thyroid gland to produce and release T3 and T4. Many disorders can affect the thyroid gland, leading to abnormal hormone production and function.

Some common thyroid conditions include:


It occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones such as T3, T4 and TSH. The symptoms of poorly performing thyroid hormones are weight gain, fatigue, depression, hair fall, brittle fingernails, headache, migraine, soft bones and hoarseness of voice.


It is characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones. Symptoms may be seen sudden weight loss, rapid heartbeat, irritability, heat intolerance and tremors.


It is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, often caused by iodine deficiency.


Inflammation of the thyroid gland. Which is caused by infection and autoimmune conditions.

Causes of imbalance of thyroid hormone:

Micronutrient’s deficiency:

Our body requires adequate number of micronutrients such as vitamin B-1 to B-12 minerals, two work properly for nourishment of all glands of the body need proper nutrition. Our food is best medicine for fulfillment of micronutrients. To know more about “how food can be used as medicine”, read this article,

Chronic stress:

Chronic stress leads to higher production of cortisol, which lowers production of thyroxine, DHEA, a hormone that boost immunity and testosterone, which are important for hormonal balance and other functions in the body.

Sedentary lifestyle:

A sedentary lifestyle with less physical movement results in people having low thyroid. The lack of physical activity is unhealthy and puts people at risk of an underactive thyroid.

Wrong eating habits:

Eating food that is low in nutrition, high in processed foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat may lead to deficiency in key nutrients that regulate thyroid hormone production.

Autoimmune condition:

Autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid, leading hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Wrong directory oils:

By consuming the wrong dietary oil, you may be slowly poisoning and weakening your cells and organs. Consuming the wrong food and fats impairs the conversion of T3 T4 to energy and puts oxidative stress on your liver.

Symptoms of imbalanced thyroid hormone:

Weight gain, sometimes weight loss, brittle nails, hair fall, fatigue, constipation, dizziness, feeling cold in your extremities, frequent infections, headache, migraines, soft bones, hoarseness of voice.

Lifestyle and foods for nourish the thyroid gland:

Fixing your thyroid gland. The human body is designed to heal itself. Some foods and lifestyle changes to help the gland heal and naturally produce this hormone.

Virgin coconut oil:

This oil is also good for obesity and cancer. Virgin coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride (MCT). MCT metabolizes quickly with the least possible oxidative stress on the liver tissues and organs, which allows conversion of fat into energy and T4 into T3. This oil stimulates the thyroid gland, energizing, nourishing and healing it Pure virgin coconut oil also increases metabolic activity and helps you burn belly fat. Use half a tablespoon of coconut oil for cooking. It has a very light nutty and sweet flavor when had raw or mixed with salad.

Consume Selenium:

When your thyroid gland is not functioning optimally, selenium gets depleted. You can increase consumption of foods such as Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.


More the nutrients, more the energy your cells receive. The stronger your cells, the more balanced your hormones and the stronger the immunity will be. Consume selenium, iodine, vitamin B2, B6 A, B3, ion, zinc and magnesium rich supplements.

Gluten-free diets:

Gluten free diets may help improve thyroid function. Using millets such as ragi (finger millet), Jowar (Sorghum), bajra (Pearl millet) and Rajgira is best alternative to wheat and wheat flour foods.

Fruits and vegetables:

Those who suffer from thyroid related disorders should not have too many raw vegetables. Whether consumed whole or in the form of juice. we should consume fruits always as a whole. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale, all of which are rich and high in Sulphur and goitrogens, has a negative effect on your thyroid glands, if they are already not functioning of the optimal level, we should consume steamed or cooked cruciferous vegetables.

Adequate exercise:

By exercising, good blood circulation carries oxygen and nutrients from the food to your cells.

Sleep well:

Make sure you sleep well and enough because the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys rejuvenate while you are asleep. They get stronger as you rest, and your cortisol level also dropped to the lowest at this point.

Reduce stress:

Due to chronic stress, anxiety and depression body releases the cortisol hormone. It can stimulate the thyroid to work harder to produce sufficient amount of thyroid hormone.


Lentils such as all dals and pulses are an excellent source of protein, fiber and also low in calories and regulate blood sugar levels and heal thyroid gland to produce enough thyroxine.


Ghee contain short chain fatty acids (SCFA) plays Crucial role for cellular repair and hormonal health. Ghee is also remarkable source of iodine, which is useful for regulating thyroid function. Avoid all dairy products but add two to three teaspoon of ghee in your meal.


These few lifestyle changes and adopt right eating habits will have a significant impact to nourish the thyroid gland. Do visit my website and follow my Instagram. for more updates.

Dr Hetal


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