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Importance of Alkaline Body

alkaline body

Importance of alkaline body:

Nowadays, people don’t know about alkaline body, what alkaline and what acidic food is, they are also unaware that too much acid production can damage our body cells and alkaline foods are helpful for body growth and repair. Let us first understand the definition and effects of alkaline and acidic foods in our body. The human body is naturally slightly alkaline. Due to consumption of processed, refined and packaged food, our body becomes acidic.

Let’s understand a bit of chemistry about the concepts of acidic and alkaline and PH levels. A-’PH’ (Potential of Hydrogen) value between 1 to 7 is termed as “acidic” whereas value between 7 to 14 is termed as “alkaline”. A-’PH’ value 7 is neutral. Our blood is slightly alkaline, our stomach is very acidic, about 3.5 PH, so it can break down our food. The PH of our body is 7.4. Alkaline body gives us disease free life. To get more insights about “how to get disease free life”, read this article,

Importance of “PH” value for our alkaline body:

Low PH value will make the body’s immune system go down and open the doors for diseases. Sodium and sugar coated packaged, processed food reduces PH levels in our body and leads to “acidosis”. Dr. Robert Young has mentioned in his book that Health depends on an internal alkaline environment. Hence it is very essential to maintain alkaline-acid balance.

Foods for Alkaline body:

  • Leafy greens like spinach, Kale collard greens.
  • Fresh fruits like lemons, lime, avocados and berries.
  • Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers.
  • Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, black beans.
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, chia seeds and flax seeds.
  • Whole grains, like quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat.

Benefits of alkaline body:

  • Alkalinity help maintain healthy cells tissues and organs.
  • Alkaline bodies tend to have more energy and vitality.
  • Alkalinity supports healthy gut bacteria and digestion.
  • Alkaline bodies tend to have higher bone density.
  • Alkalinity may help reduce the risk of disease like cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis

Consequences of Imbalanced Alkaline: (Acidic body)

  • Alkaline-acid balance ensures healthy kidneys. Packaged and Processed food (including dairy, grains, meat and sugar) are too acidic and give too much load on the kidneys and they start accumulating the acids in our tissues. The body’s minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium get low. If the body becomes too acidic the cells begin to become toxic and body functions become dangerous.
  • One of the studies has shown that cancer cells grow faster in the acidic environment.
  • If the body is overweight, that means the body produces too much acid which causes the body to produce too much insulin and then store more fat.
  • Too much acid in the body means acidosis which causes the body cells to break down.
    • Too much production of acid in the body causes oxygen supplies to the cells diminished hence compromise functions of the whole body.
    • Production of too much acid in the body leads to premature ageing, hormonal roller coaster dementia, etc.
    • When blood plasma becomes too acidic, the inner wall of the arteries and veins becomes weak, making it more difficult to control high BP and high cholesterol.
    • Electrolyte activities are compromised by an over acidic environment.

    Some facts about Alkaline and Acidic Food:

    Most of the high protein foods like meat, chicken and refined carbs like bread, pasta, etc. are acid forming foods. Most of the fruits and vegetables are alkaline forming foods. It is an interesting fact that some citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, tomato and grapefruits contain organic acids, may be acidic in taste but they are not acid forming foods. When they are metabolized, they leave an alkaline effect in the body. Some magic morning drinks make our morning alkaline as well as our body gets healthier at cellular level.

    Foods to avoid for alkaline body:

    • Processed meats like hot dogs, sausages, bacon.
    • Refined sugar, like white sugar, high fructose corn syrup,
    • Dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt
    • Grains like white bread, pasta and rice.
    • Fried foods like fried chicken, French fries and fried fish.


    A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can help maintain a slightly alkaline body PH. Consult a doctor, dietitian or nutritionist, before making any changes in your routine lifestyle.

    Dr Hetal


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