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Jowar (Sorghum) for weight loss


Jowar for Weight Loss:

Jowar, also known as Sorghum, is a nutritious grain that can be beneficial for weight loss. Here are few reasons why Jowar can support your weight loss goals. In addition, it is an important staple crop in Africa, Asia certain regions of Americas. With growing awareness of its health benefits, it has earned a well-deserved spot among superfoods, particularly for weight management.


High in fiber:

It is rich in dietary fiber, which can help you feel full for longer periods and reduce overall calorie intake. High fiber foods promote satiety. High fiber foods can assist in managing weight. Because of fiber, it promotes regular bowel movements and prevents bloating. Ragi is also helpful for weight management. To know more on “How to ragi helps in weight management”, read this article,

    Low in calories:

    It is relatively low in calories. By substituting higher calorie grains with Jowar, you can reduce your calorie consumption, which is important for weight loss. 100 grammes of serving of Jowar provides approximately 330 calories, depending on preparation methods. It has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases glucose slowly into the bloodstream, this minimizes fat storage and improves metabolic control.

    Complex carbohydrate:

    It is a complex carbohydrate, which means it digest slowly by the body. Leading to a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This helps to maintain slow energy levels, prevent sudden sugar spikes in blood sugar and reduces cravings for unhealthy snacks. A good source of plant-based protein helping muscle repair and maintenance. Minimal fat content, making it suitable for calorie conscious diets.

    Rich in nutrients:

    It is a good source of various essential nutrients like protein, iron, magnesium and Vitamin B complex. These nutrients are essential for overall health and can support your weight loss journey. Ensuring your body receives the necessary nourishment while managing calorie intake.


    Rich in antioxidants like tannins, phenolic acids and flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Because of antioxidants, jowar is best healthiest option for type 2 diabetes patients. Protein in it enhance thermogenesis and metabolic rate, helping fate loss and helps preserve lean muscle mass during calorie restrictions. sample

    Meal Plan for Weight management:

    Breakfast: Porridge with nuts and fresh fruits.

    Mid mornings snacks: Puffed jowar with a handful of roasted chickpeas.

    Lunch: Jowar roti with mixed vegetable curry and salad.

    Evening snack: Jowar khakhra with green chutney.

    Dinner: Jowar grain bowl with grilled vegetables and lean protein.

    Scientific evidence supporting Jowar’s role in weight management:

    Several studies have highlighted Jowar’s weight loss benefits.

    Fiber content: A 2015 study in Journal of nutrition and metabolism found at high fiber diets promote greater weight loss by enhancing satiety.

    Low GI properties: Research for published in the Journal of clinical nutrition emphasize that low GI foods improve insulin sensitivity, adding weight control.

    Antioxidants effects: A 2018 study in Journal of functional foods showed that antioxidants in it reduce obesity related inflammation.

    Protein Efficiency: A study in advances in nutrition demonstrated dead plant-based proteins like those in it improve metabolic efficiency during weight loss.


    You can add into your meal, by preparing Jowar rotis, jowar dosa, porridge and pancakes. While jowar can be a beneficial addition to your weight loss plan. It is important to combine it with other nutritional vegetables, regular exercise or physical activity to maximize your results. In conclusion, it is a versatile grain that offers nutritional benefits and potential applications in different sectors.

    Besides, its cultivation and consumptions contribute to food security, especially in regions with challenging agricultural conditions. As with any dietary changes, it is advisable to consult a health care professional or a registered dietitian, who can provide you guidance based on your specific needs and health conditions.

    Dr Hetal


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