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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has been shown to offer many benefits. It is the process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and improve concentration, but mindfulness is also helpful to eliminate bad habits, reduce office work related anxiety for better performance at work, maintain healthy relationships, enhance happiness and boost creativity. In this article, we will look at the science-based benefits of mindfulness one by one.

Benefits Of Mindfulness:

Eliminate bad habits:

The bad thought is not the real problem. Thoughts in themselves are neutral. When we try for awareness, the issue becomes our tendency to resist. Accepting negative thought when we start to label ourselves as bad or lazy. We accept that our entire essence can be defined with one word Then that happens We can in ways to ensure that the label fits the present Mindfulness brings awareness to this destructive type of self-labeling. It lets us view our thoughts, not judgmentally, apart from ourselves, and begin to challenge the truth of any level. When you challenge your labels, your behavior will change accordingly. Using mindfulness, the next time you think of yourself as a bad person, you can stop the thought as will happen. By mindfulness, our brain gets energized, to know more on, read this article,

Reduce office-work-related anxiety:

Office is a place where you will find an abundance of stress and anxiety. Work is where you spend most of your time. If you are stressed out, at work, this will affect you physically, psychologically and impact other areas of your life. Work related anxiety is known to cause headaches and insomnia, high blood pressure, depression and weaken the immune system. Many people restart to smoking, alcohol, binge eating due to this stress and abuse their closest people.

The good news is that many companies are starting to embrace mindfulness and are organizing on-site meditation programs. If your companies don’t have a program, you can still engage in mindful meditation, short breathing meditations can be done at a desk and can quickly shift your mind to problem solving from panic mode.

When work pressures become overwhelming, use Mindfulness or mindful meditation to keep yourself in a calm zone, as you take control and change negative thoughts, it will be easier to approach the problem in a more productive way.

Build healthy relationships:

One of the reason relationships done problematic is that many of us remain unaware of the other person’s needs. We tend to be more focused on what we want. When we are in conflict with another person, especially a loved one, we are more likely to be talking and expressing our complaints instead of listening. Instead of blindly responding, take a deep breath. Think about what you are going to say instead of reacting with the first thought that enters your mind.

Consider how words will affect another person. Make a conscious choice to use a normal tone of voice instead of attacking. When you engage in a more mindful conversation, you eliminate many misunderstandings that can damage your relationship. Mindfulness is always nonjudgmental. Mindful Meditation helps us clear our mind, so that we are able to listen without judging and embrace kindness to avoid confrontations.

Cultivate Happiness:

Before we discuss meditation, it is important to point out that our basic level of happiness consists not of some single circumstances. Dr Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin has spent time studying Tibetan monks. More recently, be followed employees taking part in an 8-week mindfulness program. The result of Dr Davidson’s finding shows that, in all cases, a program of mindfulness can elevate a person’s mood. You don’t have to be a monk to achieve the benefits. Following the meditation program, Participants reported enhanced positive moods and decreased negative feelings.

New research shows about 50% of our baseline mood level derives from genetics. 10% of your more depends on circumstances, good or bad. That leaves 40% of our mood in our control. Happiness is something we can consciously cultivate and grow. Mindfulness has proven to be a solid foundation on which to build positive emotions.

Reduce pain:

Many of us suffer from chronic pain. While mindful meditation is not a cure all. Studies have shown, it can reduce the pain. In clinical trials, mindfulness has shown that mindful meditators experience over 50% less chronic pain while long term meditators have reduced their chronic pain by 90%. When the brain reacts negatively to pain, the pain becomes aggravated by controlling how we react to the pain, we can greatly reduce its intensity.

Improve sexual activity:

From low libido, poor self-esteem and body image to feelings of anxiety and depression, the brain can havoc with sexual enjoyment. Mindfulness enables partners to communicate more effectively about sexual needs and concern.

Enhance mood:

Research have shown that people with severe mood disorder actually show changes in certain areas of brain. Mindfulness is perfect way to back negative thought. Moreover, mindfulness retrains the brain to enhance positive emotions.

Improved focus and concentration:

Nowadays, people are always busy with multitasking. Multitasking decreases productivity. When the brain overwhelmed with a flood of unrelated thoughts and keep jumping from one to next thought, it cannot concentrate on the task at hand. Regular mindfulness keeps in control over monkey mind, helps to focused on the present and teaches us to deal with ups and downs of life.

Boosts creativity:

Studies have shown that people who practice mindfulness are more creative to new ideas and problem-solving methods.


The bottom line is mindfulness can change your life. Mindful meditation and other mindful practices can dramatically improve each day of life. To know more about mindfulness and mental health, read my latest book, the magical ways for sparkling lifestyle.

Dr Hetal


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