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Pregnancy and Fertility

pregnancy and fertility

All about Pregnancy and Fertility:

Pregnancy and fertility are related topics concerning the ability of a woman to conceive and carry a child. Here’s some essential information about pregnancy, fertility and infertility.

Definition of Fertility:

Fertility refers to a person’s ability to conceive a child. In females, it is primarily determined by the presence and health of eggs in the ovaries and the regular release of these eggs during the menstrual cycle.

Definition of Pregnancy.

Pregnancy begins after successful fertilization and implantation of the embryo in the uterus. It typically lasts around 40 weeks divided into 3 trimesters during pregnancy. Various changes occur in the women’s body to support the growth and development of the fetus.

pregnancy and fertility

Definition of Infertility:

Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of regular unprotected intercourse or six months if the woman is over 35. It affects both men and women and can have various causes. In such cases seeking gynecologist is recommended. Insulin resistance is the main cause for PCOS and infertility. For Healthy pregnancy and fertility, we should improve insulin sensitivity.

Causes of infertility:

  • Hormonal imbalance in men and women
  • Structural abnormalities like uterine fibroid
  • Problem with ovulation
  • Low sperm count or poor sperm quality

10 things to avoid during 3 months prior to conception for healthy pregnancy and fertility:

Gluten- it can trigger inflammation, autoimmunity and lower thyroid function.

Soft drinks or soda– It can affect egg quality and adverse effects on fertility of men and women.

Caffeine– Consumption of too much caffeine can lead to thinning of gut lining and it also affects hormonal health.

Unfermented soy– It can cause digestive issues or prevent thyroid from absorbing iodine. For example, avoid soybean oil, tofu, soy milk. we should consume miso, tamari or tempeh.

Sugar– Sugar can cause inflammation. we should consume low glycemic sugar like coconut palm sugar, monk fruit and stevia. We must include enough protein and sweet veggies to control sugar cravings.

Xenoestrogen– These items mimics estrogen and can disrupt hormones. For example, avoid plastic and replace with steel or glass.

Too much refined cabs– These can cause blood sugar imbalance or inflammation. for example, avoid pasta, pizza or refined grains. Instead of, we can have whole grains, fiber, healthy fats and protein.

Alcohol- It damages liver, and it can increase estrogen dominance, imbalance of hormones and sleep deprivation. It can also cause poor gut health. Especially, alcohol elimination is most if you are trying to conceive post 35.

Trans fat- It causes insulin resistance or inflammation. For example, hydrogenated vegetable oil, frozen foods. Instead of that we can have saturated fats such as avocado, coconut oil, coconut, ghee and walnuts.

Smoking- It can damage genetic material in sperm and eggs. In addition, it is also not good for lung and reproductive health.

Lifestyle modifications for healthy pregnancy and fertility:

Stress management

Study shows that stress plays up to 30% role in fertility problems. We should reduce stress for healthy pregnancy and fertility. Incorporate some activities which help to release endorphins and reduce cortisol. For example, yoga, medication, deep breathing, light exercise, relaxing walk, acupuncture and spa.

Sleep well

According to study, sleep regulates production and metabolism of reproductive hormones. We must consume 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep for healthy pregnancy and fertility. Sleep deprivation affect testosterone levels in men. In addition, sleep deprivation of affect hormone imbalances, early pregnancy loss, failed embryo implantation, anovulation and amenorrhea in women.

Take sunlight.

Sunlight is necessary for Vitamin D absorption. vitamin D affects egg quality and moreover, vitamin D deficiencies are linked to infertility. Consume also vitamin D supplement for better result of healthy pregnancy and fertility.

Moderate exercise

Exercise up to an hour reduces risk of infertility and improves sperm quality. Remember too much of exercise is not a good idea because enjoying exercise is equally important.

Build muscle and lose fat;

Obesity or excessive fat significant impact on men and women fertility. It also affects erectile dysfunction. In addition, too much fat affects hormonal health and blood sugar regulation.


This is the biggest unknown factor in fertility. Therefore, find happiness in small things and do things that give you happiness.

Top fertility foods

Healthy fats– Healthy fats are most powerful for hormonal health. For example, coconut, walnuts, ghee, peanuts, salmon fish, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, fish oil and cold pressed oil. Avoid refined and canola oil.

Two servings of leafy greens– They detoxifies the body, strengthens the liver, gallbladder and bone health. Moreover, they support blood circulation and purification. For example, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, kale and cabbage.

Coconut oil- it can help reduce body fat and maintain vaginal PH. In addition, it keeps thyroid in check.

Avocado- It is full of vitamin K, potassium and folate and moreover, it has monosaturated fats and dietary fiber which is useful for hormonal health.

Walnuts- Walnuts are excellent because walnuts contain Omega 3, which is helpful for brain functioning and hormonal health.

Sunflower seeds- They help to maintain proper sperm levels. They are rich in vitamin E, which essential for increasing sperm count and motility. They also provide selenium, zinc and folic acid, these all are potent fertility nutrients.

Beans and lentils- They are high in fiber and protein which help to improve ovulation. Additionally, they are excellent source of folic acid which aid conception and healthy embryo development.

Wild fish and free-range eggs- They used by liver to make good cholesterol. Furthermore, they are essential for mineral absorption and healthy brain functioning.

Some supplements supporting Fertility (can be taken by men, too).

Vitamin D– It is crucial for bone health, emotional health and immunity.

Wheat grass and moringa- They both help with liver and overall detox of the body. They both also provide antioxidants and micronutrients which are very essential for fertility and hormonal health.

Vitamin C– It supports progesterone. For example, foods like Papaya, orange and cauliflower.

Good quality multivitamin– They provide essential vitamins and minerals supporting overall functioning of the cells, hormones and reproductive organs.

Fish oil- It is needed for baby’s brain development. It is to be taken with a meal which contains fat. Hence, absorption of fish oil will get better.


In conclusion, it is essential to recognize that not everyone’s fertility journey is the same. some women may experience challenges conceiving naturally and they seek gynecologist such as fertility treatments to improve their chances of getting pregnant. To know more about women wellness, hormonal health, infertility, pregnancy and fertility, follow my Instagram page.

Dr Hetal


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