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Shravan fasting: Dietary and lifestyle

Shravan fasting

Tips on Shravan Fasting:

Shravan fasting, a holy month in the Hindu lunar calendar, holds immense religious significance and is observed with reverence by millions of devotees. This period is marked by fasting, prayer and reflection during which people undergo various dietary and lifestyle changes to honor Lord Shiva and seek spiritual growth. The observance of Shravan fasting varies across regions and communities and encompassing a range of practices that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. To know more about intermittent fasting in Shravan month read this article

Dietary changes during Shravan Fasting:

Avoid non-vegetarian foods:

One of the center rules of Shravan fasting involves refraining from the consumption of non-vegetarian foods. This dietary change is rooted in the principle of Ahinsa, (nonviolence) and aligned with the Satvik (pure diet) believed to support spiritual growth.

Avoidance of certain vegetables:

Devotee also avoid consuming vegetables such as onions and garlic, which are Rajik (stimulating) and tamasic (dulling) in nature. These vegetables are impacting the clarity of thought and interfere with meditation.

Restriction on grains:

Many followers of Shravan fasting avoid grains like rice and wheat, turning to alternative flours like water chestnut flour (singhare ka atta), buckwheat flour (Kuttu ka atta) and Amaranth (rajgira flour). These flours are fasting- friendly dishes.

Emphasis on fruits and nuts:

Fruits and nuts are a crucial component of the of the Shravan diet. They are Sattvic and provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and natural sugars to sustain energy levels throughout the day.

Incorporation of dairy products:

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and paneer (cottage cheese) are common during the fasting. They are rich in protein and calcium, supporting overall health.

Use of fasting- specific ingredients:

Using Fasting- specific ingredients like Sabudana (tapioca pearls), Makhana (fox nuts) and Singhare (water chestnut) to prepare a variety of diseases such as Sabudana khichdi, Makana Kheer and Singhare ki Puri.


Lifestyle changes during Shravan fasting:

Early morning rituals:

Devotees wake up early in the morning for prayer, meditation, and recitation of mantras. These practices set the tone for the day, fostering the sense of mindfulness and devotion.

Regular prayers and offerings:

Throughout the day, a person engages in regular prayers and make offerings to Lord Shiva. These rituals deepen the spiritual connection and provide moments of reflection.

Increased acts of charity:

Shravan is a time of increased charitable activities where person donate foods, clothes, and money to the needy. This act of giving is believed to on spiritual merit.

Simplicity in dress:

Many people choose to wear simple and clean clothes during the Shravan fasting. This practice reflects a commitment to minimalism and detachment from material desires.

Enhanced meditation and yoga practices:

Fasting during Shravan is often accompanied by heightened meditation and yoga practices. The sattvic diet and spiritual environment create an ideal setting for cultivating inner peace and self-awareness.

Community engagement:

The Shravan fasting also encourages community engagement through Satsang (spiritual gatherings) and group prayers. These fosters a sense of unity and collective devotion.

Health and wellness aspects in Shravan fasting:

While the primary focus of Shravan fasting is on spiritual growth, the dietary and lifestyle changes associated with the period can also have positive health implications.

Digestive rest:

The avoidance of heavy and complex foods during fasting allows the digestive system to rest and reset, leading to improved digestion and detoxification.

Increased hydration:

Many fasting practices involve increased water intake, promoting hydration and flushing out toxins from the body.

Nutrient-rich diet:

The emphasis on fruits, nuts and dairy products provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for overall well-being.

Mind- body connection:

Meditation, yoga and mindfulness practices enhance the mind-body connection, reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.

Weight management:

The fasting period may lead to weight loss due to reduced calorie intake and healthier food choices. However, its essential to ensure adequate nutrition.

Some special tips during Shravan fasting:

Include beans in any form along with grains at the time to get enough protein. Eat in the afternoon, but if you eat in the evening, then take dinner before 8:00 PM. Avoid too much consumption of tea or coffee to prevent acidity and Constipation. Eating only potatoes, fried and Sabudana dishes during fasting, has bad effect on health.


In conclusion, the dietary and lifestyle changes observed during surround fasting are a testament to the profound spiritual commitment of devotees. These changes not only deeper their connection with Lord Shiva, but also contribute to their physical and mental well-being. The practice of avoidance from certain foods and engaging in spiritual disciplines underscores the holistic nature of the Shravan observance. Moreover, these practices are compassing body, mind, and soul. Through these changes, persons not only honor their faith, but also embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. To know more on overall wellness, read my latest book, the magical ways for sparkling lifestyle.

Dr Hetal


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