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Sunlight: The Powerhouse of Energy


Introduction on Sunlight:

Imagine spending a week in a closed dark room without any exposure to light! How would you feel? What would your mental, emotional, and physical state be after a week? What would happen if you locked yourself up for a month or for a few years? You could almost experience death. Yes, that is how important 1 thing is sunlight. To know more on mental health, read this article,


Our ancient Yogis is and many cultures have used the sun to heal illnesses. But when was the last time you celebrated being a part of nature? When was the last time you enjoyed the sunlight? Do you remember the time during monsoon where there was not enough sunlight to dry your clothes? If yes, then you will also remember how those clothes used to give off an offensive odour! Imagine, if this could happen to clothes, what would happen to our bodies? Sunlight naturally kills harmful bacteria. It helps disinfect and heal wounds.

Today we remain locked up in our offices and air-conditioned homes. In this way, we make our bodies a breeding ground for bacteria. We weaken our body by not staying in the sun enough.

Whenever we have free time, our immediate thought is not to go out and enjoy the sunlight outdoors. Instead, if we have a few hours, we watch Netflix. If we have 20 minutes, we browse Facebook or Instagram. If we have two minutes, we prefer checking WhatsApp notifications. We do anything but going out in the sun and providing our bodies with the much-needed sunlight.

So, we tend to develop vitamin D deficiency. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association conducted a study. It determined that at least a billion people in the world have vitamin D deficiency.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information mentions that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in epidemic properties all over the Indian subcontinent. The prevalence is as high as 70% to 100 % in the general population. In such a case, the sun comes to the rescue.

What Role does Sunlight play?

When the skin is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, it starts making vitamin D.

Ideally, exposed the skin to 20 minutes of sunlight in the morning, but do consider the following points.

  • Dark skinned individuals need more time in the sunlight than those with light skin.
  • Try to wear the least clothes during sunbathing. Prefer loose cotton clothes.
  • Do not wear sunscreen while you are taking sunlight.
  • Get direct sunlight, not through a glass window.
  • Too much sunlight can have a negative effect on the body. The key is moderation.

However, do not make this mistake. Do not expose yourself to sunlight in the morning and then lock yourself up in the room for the whole day. This is not an effective technique. Whether you are working, studying, or doing some activity at home, open the door or windows of that room during the day. This will let the light and fresh air enter ventilation does play a very important role.

Remember, long term exposure to intense sunrise can lead to many skins related issues. Vitamin D is available from the UV light of the sun. Hence, it is important to keep exposure at moderate levels in moderation. Sunlight can do wonders for your health. Here are some of the benefits you get.

Uplifts your mood:

Science says colors impact our modes. Have you noticed how you feel lazier in winters and wish you stay indoors cuddles of in a blanket? That is because of the cooler temperatures in your environment.

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry says those who have lower levels of vitamin D are likely to be depressed and can be associated with low mood and impairment in cognitive performance. This is as opposed to those who have adequate vitamin D. This condition is related to serotonin levels. More sunshine means higher serotonin. In turn, higher serotonin means a larger smile on your face. By staying indoors, you create a huge problem for yourself. You invite a depressing environment.

Maintain Bone Strength:

Insufficient vitamin D can create a chain reaction of problems. It reduces the calcium absorption in the blood, thus low amounts of calcium can lead to aching and brittle bones. This could further lead to osteoporosis. Many older women are calcium deficient and are often prone to osteoporosis. But a natural dose of sunlight provides a normal and healthy amount of vitamin D to the body. This ensures that the onset of such age-related conditions gets delayed.

Improves Sleeping Habits:

The sun has the power to affect your life long after it sets. The more time you spend indoors, the more you are under artificial lighting, the more time you are away from natural sunrise. This disturbs your body’s internal clock This situation can result in severe conditions such as insomnia.

To ensure that your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s clock, is not affected. Expose yourself adequately to the sun. The sun regulates the production of melatonin also knows as the sleep hormone. So, your natural cycle remains undisturbed. You wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.

Remember, while the sun is a major source of vitamin D, it is available in plenty. It encourages you to come out of the confinement of the four walls of your home or office. Nothing tops the curative and refreshing abilities to be out in nature. Expose yourself to fresh air for better mental and physical health. Let stress and sunshine surround you regularly. Otherwise, you could end up a very unhealthy and under nourished human being.

Deficiency of Vitamin D:

Let us dive a little deeper to see why I am emphasizing too much on getting enough sunlight. Although labeled a vitamin, vitamin D is called a hormone. It is necessary for important function such as mineral homeostasis and proper formation of bone. It helps maintain adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Researchers have found a significant role in vitamin D when it comes to several medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and autoimmune disorder, such as multiple sclerosis.

Its deficiency can cause:

  • Fatigue
  • Bone, back or joint pain
  • Muscle weakness muscle ache, or muscle cramps,
  • Mood changes and depression.
  • Poor calcium absorption,
  • Heart disease,
  • Kidney issues,
  • Impaired wound healing,
  • Hair loss,
  • Feeling hungry, or poor appetite control,
  • Poor blood sugar control,
  • Infections and immune system disorders, some type of cancer, such as: prostate and breast cancers,
  • Impaired cognitive functions.

Sometimes most of the people suffering from vitamin D deficiencies, including those who take enough sunlight. That is why, we need to rely on other sources of vitamin D.

The Role of Supplements:

As discussed earlier, you need enough vitamin D for better absorption of some nutrients, optimum performance, and overall well-being. Sometimes you must depend on supplements to fulfill your optimum requirement. How much vitamin D you need to depends on your age, diet, and health condition.

Remember supplements are not medicines. They fulfill the requirement of the body which the diet is unable to provide. As per laboratory reports, a level about 30 is fine.

In conclusion, find out your current vitamin D level and check with your nutritionist or doctor, if and how much vitamin D supplements you need to take.

Dr Hetal


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