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Movement (exercises)

stretching and savasana

Stretching and Savasana after workout

Rest and recovery is very important for making our workout effective. Most intense workout can damage muscle tissues and become useless if we don’t have enough rest.


Pranayama and Vitamin “O” (Oxygen)

All pranayama are beneficial for pranayam,mental and emotional wellbeing. The more we eat, the deeper we should breathe. When we take in enough vitamin “O”,fat is broken down and intestines absorbs all the nutritions from the food we eat.

sparkling lifestyle

extraordinary Health; 6 principles to achieve

by following six principles for maintaining health promote disease free body.

weight lifting

weight lifting is necessary. why?

weight lifting improve your body composition and give your toned appearance, it can also improve overall health and make you happier person.

sitting is killer

“Sitting” is Killer, Add Vitamin “W” (Walking)

walking 30 minutes per day prevents us from heart attacks and improve cardiovascular health.
climbing stairs is one of the best exercise when it comes to fat burning and muscle mass building.