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Craving Control: A Holistic Approach to Building Healthy Habits


Craving encompass a complex interplay of physiological and psychological factors, often influenced by micronutrient imbalances and protein deficiencies. Understanding the roots of cravings involves delving into the intricate mechanisms that drive our desire for specific foods. Food cravings are uncontrollable desires for a specific foods stronger than normal hunger. The type of foods that people crave are often processed, packaged junk foods that are high in sugar and refined carbs.

Physiological Causes of craving:

  • Physiologically, cravings can be triggered by fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar drops, the body signals a need for a quick energy boost, leading to a preference for sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods. Additionally, hormonal changes such as those related to the menstrual cycle can an intensify cravings for certain foods.
  • Moreover, Micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. Deficiencies in these micronutrients can manifest as Cravings for specific foods. For instance, a craving for chocolate may indicate a deficiency in magnesium, while a desire for red meat could signal an iron deficiency.
  • Protein efficiencies can also contribute to Cravings. Proteins are essential for muscle repair, immune function and overall satiety. Inadequate protein intake may lead to increased cravings, particularly for protein-rich foods. Addressing protein deficiencies can help regulate appetite and reduce the intensity of cravings.

Psychological Causes of craving:

  • Psychologically, Cravings often stem from emotional or environmental cues. Stress, boredom and emotional distress can trigger a desire for comfort foods, which are often high in sugar and fat. The brain’s reward system reinforces these cravings, creating a cycle that is challenging to break.
  • Food marketing and availability for the contribute to psychological unhealthy snacking. Exposure to advertisements, food cues and social influences can influence food preferences and trigger unhealthy snacking. The brain’s response to visual and olfactory stimuli plays a role in shaping these habits.

Deal With Cravings:

  • Thirst often confused with hunger or food snacking or munching. If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that urge fades away because your body was actually just thirsty. Drinking water before meals may reduce cravings and appetite, as well as help with weight loss.
  • Developing strategies to manage unhealthy snacking involves the holistic approach. Balancing macronutrients, including adequate protein intake, helps stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce psychological triggers for munching or snacking. Eating more protein reduces cravings and helps you feel full and satisfied for longer. One study of overweight teenage girls showed that eating a high protein breakfast reduced unhealthy munching significantly. Increasing protein intake may reduce unhealthy snacking by up to 60% and cut the desire to unhealthy snacking at night by 50%.
  • Planning your meals for the day or upcoming week eliminates spontaneity and uncertainty, both of which can cause snacking or munching.
  • Hunger is a big reason. Avoid extreme hunger by always having the healthy snack ready.
  • Addressing micronutrient deficiencies through a well-rounded diet or multi vitamin supplementation such as zinc, vitamin D3, B12 and magnesium can mitigate cravings linked to nutritional imbalances.
  • Spinach extract is a new supplement on the market, made from spinach leaves. It helps delay fat digestion, which increases the levels of hormones that reduce appetite and hunger like GLP-1. Studies also showed that taking 3.5 to 5 grams of spinach extract with the meal may reduce appetite for several hours.
  • Psychologically, mindful eating practices, stress management and identifying emotional triggers can empower individuals to gain better control over snacking. Being under stress may include eating and weight gain, especially in women.
  • Sleep deprivation may disrupt normal fluctuations in appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite control. Studies show that sleep deprived people are up to 55% more likely to become obese, compared to people who get enough sleep. Getting good sleep may be one of the most powerful ways to deal.
  • If you find yourself in need of a snack between meals, make sure it is something healthy. Reach for whole Foods, such as homemade nuts-laddu, peanut-jaggery chiki, coconut, vegetables or seeds.
  • The best way is from happening at the supermarket or grocery store is to shop only when you have recently eaten. Never- ever go to the supermarket hungry. To get more insights about why should we avoid dining out and should eat homemade cooked food, read this article, Home-cooked delights,4 main reasons to avoid eating out.
  • Creating a supportive environment that encourages healthy food choices and discourages the availability of highly processed, nutrient-poor options can also contribute to long term craving management.


In conclusion, cravings are multifaceted, involving both psychological and physiological factors. Understanding the role of micronutrients and protein deficiencies provide valuable insights into addressing the root causes.

By adopting a comprehensive approach that combines nutritional awareness, mindful eating and lifestyle adjustments, Individuals can work towards achieving a healthier relationship with food and managing appetite effectively. To know more information about wellness, read my latest book: the magical ways for sparkling lifestyle.

Dr Hetal


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