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Stretching and Savasana after workout

stretching and savasana

Stretching and Savasana after workout

Rest and recovery is very important for making our workout effective. Most intense workout can damage muscle tissues and become useless if we don’t have enough rest.


Gut Health ; powerful ways to reset

The Gut is the real hero of the health.

intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting for weight/fat loss

Fasting is the best way to lose weight and fat,improve brain power,increase brain productivity and memory.


Pranayama and Vitamin “O” (Oxygen)

All pranayama are beneficial for pranayam,mental and emotional wellbeing. The more we eat, the deeper we should breathe. When we take in enough vitamin “O”,fat is broken down and intestines absorbs all the nutritions from the food we eat.

added sugar

added sugar ; Effects of consume in excess

Added sugar causes illness and metabolic disorders, Excess added sugar causes obesity, weight gain, insulin resistance and many other chronic disorders.

Negative Impact of Sugar on Body & Brain

Extra amount of sugar slowly poison your system.It feels sweet on the palate but its bitter for our health.


Fats ; all Facts and myths

Healthy fats reduces inflammation, promote feeling of fullness and satisfaction, regulate hormones and promote brain power.


Protein : Importance in our diet

All the cells in the human body and the muscles are made up of protein.For proper functioning of the body cells and muscle mass growth,protein are very essential.


antioxidants; Types and Sources

Antioxidants are very important for prevention of free radical production in the body.


Natural way to Heal your Body

Body has itself healing provides all the nutrients for our body’s requirenments in the right proportions us called balanced diet.

acid addiction ; Learn to say “NO” to consume

Coffee,Tea,soft drinks, energy drinks contain caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and cortisol hormones that increase blood pressure.

nuts and seeds

Nuts and Seeds; why soaked?

Nuts and seeds are the powerhouse of micronutrients such as vitamins,minerals,fiber and healthy fats. Everyone must consume nuts and seeds in limited portions.