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Physical well-being

liver and gallbladder

Liver and gallbladder health

Liver and gallbladder health are crucial for overall well being and digestive function. The liver is the largest internal organ and performs several essential functions in the body.

leaky gut

Leaky gut

Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a condition that occurs when the lining of the intestinal walls become more porous, allowing substances such as toxins, bacteria and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream.

autoimmune conditions

Autoimmune conditions

Autoimmune conditions are a group of disorders characterized by an abnormal immune response in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own healthy cells and tissues.


Immunity building

Immunity refers to the ability of an organism to resist or defend against harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.

rainbow vegetables

Rainbow vegetables and fruits

Eating a variety of colorful just like rainbow vegetables and fruits in often recommended because each color group contains different phytonutrients


Phytonutrients: Natural Immunity Booster

They are natural compounds that protect plants from bugs, germs, fungi and other threats. Phytonutrients, also known as phytochemicals, are natural bioactive compound found in plants.


Magic of Alkalizer

some magical morning alkalizer that we should consume in the early morning empty stomach to detoxify our body are listed.

alkaline body

Importance of Alkaline Body

Nowadays, people don’t know about alkaline body, what alkaline and what acidic food is, too much acid production can damage our body cells.


Carbohydrates: Facts and Myths

Carbohydrates from healthy food provide us fiber, vitamins and minerals that help to strengthen the immune system and boost metabolism,

diseases free life

Diseases Free Life for well-being

we all must have knowledge about, how to lead a disease free life by balancing the external & internal environment of our body.

healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle for Overall Wellness

follow some the ideas of sparkling lifestyle and to stay happier and healthier and live a more productive life:


Fatigue Fighters’ Formula for well-being

In sedentary lifestyle, fatigue is common.