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Gut Health ; powerful ways to reset

The Gut is the real hero of the health.


Pranayama and Vitamin “O” (Oxygen)

All pranayama are beneficial for pranayam,mental and emotional wellbeing. The more we eat, the deeper we should breathe. When we take in enough vitamin “O”,fat is broken down and intestines absorbs all the nutritions from the food we eat.


Natural way to Heal your Body

Body has itself healing provides all the nutrients for our body’s requirenments in the right proportions us called balanced diet.


Psoriasis and mental health connection

Psoriasis is chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin.Psoariasis and mental health connection is common.

Stress reduction ; foods and lifestyle

If we follow some lifestyle and habits, stress can be reduced and if we follow that consistently, we can achieve a stress free life.