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Fats ; all Facts and myths


Fats ; all Facts and myths

Healthy fats reduces inflammation, promote feeling of fullness and satisfaction, regulate hormones and promote brain power.


Protein : Importance in our diet

All the cells in the human body and the muscles are made up of protein.For proper functioning of the body cells and muscle mass growth,protein are very essential.


antioxidants; Types and Sources

Antioxidants are very important for prevention of free radical production in the body.


Natural way to Heal your Body

Body has itself healing provides all the nutrients for our body’s requirenments in the right proportions us called balanced diet.

acid addiction ; Learn to say “NO” to consume

Coffee,Tea,soft drinks, energy drinks contain caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and cortisol hormones that increase blood pressure.

nuts and seeds

Nuts and Seeds; why soaked?

Nuts and seeds are the powerhouse of micronutrients such as vitamins,minerals,fiber and healthy fats. Everyone must consume nuts and seeds in limited portions.


kitchen chemistry

fitness related diet starts from kitchen itself. Kitchen is the place from where health,harmony and happiness originates.

thermic effect of food

Thermic Effect of Food

Protein has the highest thermic effect of food which is 20 to 30%,Elevated rate of metabolism after food intake is considered as the “Thermic Effect of Food.”

“water”is vital to body

water makes up a majority of our body weight. Water is life. Water is primary transporter of nutrients in the body.

how much to eat

How much to Eat?

“How much to eat” is very important aspect for healthy body,which depends on two factors,one is portion and other is proportion.

vagus nerve stimulation for better mental health

vagus nerve is largest nerve in the body.High vagal tone, mental health and positive emotions are interlinked.


MSG; Stay away from hidden ingredient

MSG is found in almost 80% of the processed food.chinese food is highly processed, contain one very dangerous ingredients termed ‘Ajinomoto’ (MSG)