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Diseases Free Life for well-being

diseases free life

Diseases Free Life for well-being

we all must have knowledge about, how to lead a disease free life by balancing the external & internal environment of our body.

healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle for Overall Wellness

follow some the ideas of sparkling lifestyle and to stay happier and healthier and live a more productive life:


Sleep Science for Overall Wellness

Many people neglect getting enough sleep because they don’t know the benefits of sound sleep. Many of them consider sleep a waste of time and see nothing wrong in sleeping less than others.


4 Stages of Sleep Cycle

There are 4 stages of our sleep cycle. The first 3 stages are NREM (Non-REM stage) and the last one is called REM stage.


Relationship between Sleep and Weight Loss

sleep and weight loss both are interconnected. “Sleep is the best antidote for body fat and bestie for weight loss.”


Fatigue Fighters’ Formula for well-being

In sedentary lifestyle, fatigue is common.

alkaline body

Nutrition For Well-being

Nutrition means that the food we eat and our body cells absorb nutrients from it which gives us perfect health.


Stress and its effects on Health

stress harms all system of your body.


Negative Impact of Stress on the Body

chronic stress harms the body maximum.


All about inflammation.

Inflammation is body’s natural response to injury, viruses and bacteria. It is required. Inflammation becomes problematic when it does not move away and becomes chronic.

Mindful meditation increases awareness of ourselves and how we think. It is an effective way of knowing ourselves better.

Mindful Meditation: Reduce Stress and Build Healthiest Brain.

In recent years, mindfulness has become a popular way to help people manage their stress and improve overall wellbeing.

The shape of thyroid gland is a small butterfly, Endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s Apple.

Thyroid gland: Heal through Lifestyle adjustments

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped Endocrine gland located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s Apple. It plays an important role in regulating various bodily functions by producing, storing and releasing thyroid hormones.